Our Mission Statement:
“To strengthen family life by helping individuals and families, through their own efforts to develop their skills, to become aware of resources available to them in the surrounding community”
Our hoa haere is Manaakitanga
Waiuku Family Support Network has been providing support and services in the community since 1987. We started as an information service and became a Charitable Trust on 26 November 1990. Waiuku Family Support is a registered charity number CC33738.
Developing skills for a sustainable future is through strong support which includes pathway setting, life skills education, linkages with whānau, social work support, advocacy with accessing resources, counselling, a range of therapies & wānanga, financial navigation & food sovereignty.
Knowledge (mōhiotanga) strengthens resilience.
Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress. It means "bouncing back" from difficult experiences.
The key difference in our approach is that there is a self-determination principle in what outcomes will look like for individuals and whānau. We utilise all the tools in our organisation, the individuals, whānau and community kete to support one another.
Keeping Safe

Contact Us
027 308 6265
Stessed, Anxious or Lonely

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027 308 6265
Basic Needs

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027 308 6265
Advocacy and Support.

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027 308 6265
Financial Worries

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027 308 6265
Let's talk/korero.