23 February - Tangaroa-ā-mua - Training In, Near, On Water / Fishing

Let's start a
{ conversation / Korero }..

Waiuku Family Support Network

Waiuku Family Support Network has been providing support and services to the community since 1987.  We started as an information service and became a Charitable Trust on the 26th of November 1990.  Waiuku Family Support is a registered charity (number CC33738) and NZBN 9429042910220.

Our agency offers a holistic, korowai (wrap-around) approach to supporting people.  The team includes qualified specialists who work together to support people to overcome difficulties that prevent them achieving their potential.

We work towards community wellness.

Our Mission Statement

"To strengthen family life by helping individuals and families, through their own efforts to develop their skills, to become aware of resources available to them in the surrounding community"



Recently the Artisans Alcove which is a place for local authors, artists and alchemists to display their creations was opened on this site.

Let's talk... { supporting you }