23 February - Tangaroa-ā-mua - Training In, Near, On Water / Fishing

Let's start a
{ conversation / Korero }..

Counselling and Talking Therapies

 Counselling is a great way to improve your life through communication and different modalities.

Counselling offers guidance not advice & is given by a trained professional for issues that you may have in life.  An example of these issues might be psychological (anxiety), social (couples counselling) or personal (life coaching).

The purpose of counselling is mainly to alleviate emotional issues and work out strategies when certain stresses can trigger feelings that are not pleasant.

There are so many different kinds & modalities of counselling/therapies.  Some of those ways can include sand tray, CBT, mindfulness.  Our counsellors can work alongside you to evaluate what is the best for you.


Let's talk... { supporting you }