07 March - Tamatea A IO - Fishing

Let's start a
{ conversation / Korero }..

Financial Navigation


Our financial navigator(s) will walk alongside you to support you to get your financial issues sorted. 

Many of our community are struggling to make ends meet. We also understand that everyone has different attitudes about money which can lead to stress within a family.

Our goal is to ensure that you and your whānau have the support and know where to access resources, to get you through.

We provide sessions to help education and advocates to support you. These include things like developing a budget & cash flow plan and providing you with  an advocate to communicate debtors (people you owe money too), or WINZ, IRD etc.

We can also support you with education regarding managing internet banking and have available computers for you to use if you do not have access to a device.

Let's talk... { supporting you }