23 February - Tangaroa-ā-mua - Training In, Near, On Water / Fishing

Let's start a
{ conversation / Korero }..

Food Security

Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou, ka ora ai te iwi… with your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.

Man holds a carton of eggs, ready to add them to boxes of fresh vegetables at Kai Rescue

Demand for food increased significantly for community food providers since COVID-19 restrictions were implemented. This investment in food-banks, food rescue, and other community food providers ensures they can meet the increased demand over this period.

We are linked to the Ministry of Social Development food security networks which strengthens the capability and resilience of  community food distribution networks, so that community food providers have increased access to good quality, healthy, surplus food while reducing pressure on food supply chains and the environment.

Many collaborations have chosen to work together outside of COVID-19 lockdowns as they have recognised the value of working together and we are working alongside the community to look at ways that our community of Waiuku is food secure.

Waiuku Family Support Network has several networks to support the Waiuku Combined Churches Food Bank which is managed by volunteers. WFSN has supported food distribution during Covid and acts as an "agent" of the local foodbank. (Please note the foodbank is not open to the public.)

WFSN can triage and arrange a food parcel for you or assist you to access  resources through Ministry of Social Development.

This  Pātaka Kai  is a community food sharing cupboard placed outside of the Awhitu District School

Also Tu Whera Kai & Te Marama Hou Ministries M (local organisations) also provides food and other goods and are based down at the Hamilton Estate Community building next to the Community Gardens.

WFSN is also linked to the THRIVE project which is managed through Massey University.  This project is to initially explore, at the community level, the relationship between food sovereignty and people living with eating/swallowing disabilities.  (More information to follow as this progresses)

Let's talk... { supporting you }