23 February - Tangaroa-ā-mua - Training In, Near, On Water / Fishing

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Home Safety Improvements and Safety Alarms


The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) is funding the National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges (NCIWR) to deliver the nation-wide National Home Safety Service (NHSS) which is known as ‘Whānau Protect’.  Waiuku Family Support Network is one of the providers who are sub contracted by NCIWR.

The Whānau Protect service is for high-risk victims of family violence, those that are currently experiencing repeat family violence that is likely to cause serious physical injury or death. This service is designed to support victims of family violence (who are ready to leave the abusive relationship) to remain living safely in their current homes with a reduced risk of revictimisation from family violence.

Whānau Protect clients can receive emergency equipment for personal safety & Home Safety Improvements (HSI) to ensure property is secure.  

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